五月 08, 2009


I've posted some pics of mine on some sites... people who saw those told me...
"I can see sadness in your eyes... You are the one with many stories."
我笑了,能有什麽故事. 一個失敗的婚姻和一堆無聊的過去?
I laughed, what story can I have, a failed marriage and a bunch of boring history?
... well... we shall look forward, and I am, too... I don't want to leave the impression of mine as sad Grey.

But white ... of pureness.
Red... for enthusiasm...
and Blue.. for being rational.

That , should be the real Kovu. 才是被淡淡的忧郁笼罩的真实的我.

1 条评论:

Unknown 说...

Stay positive :)